The Government has implemented the Skim Latihan Dual Nasional (SLDN) to produce a national skilled workforce (K-Workers) through an up to date and comprehensive training mechanism to meet the current needs of the industry. The worker possesses three competency elements, namely: Technical, Social & Humanities, Methodology & Learning.
SLDN (Sistem Latihan Dual Nasional) is a training method based on an industry-driven approach, which is operated through collaborations between companies and training institutions. The implementation of SLDN can be carried out through the following methods:
1. Collaboration between Skills Training Centers (PLK) and Companies
2. Internal Training within Companies (In-house)
Training Duration: The training duration for a program implemented refers to Circular KPPK No. 2/105 and the total credit hours specified in a particular SKPK/NOSS.
Training Ratio: 70% to 80% practical training (performance) in the industry and 20% to 30% theoretical training (knowledge) at the training center.
Delivery Method:
- Day Release
Example: 1 – 2 days a week for theoretical (knowledge) and basic skills learning at the training center, and 4 – 5 days a week for practical (performance) training at the company.
- Monthly Release
Example: 1 – 2 months for theoretical (knowledge) and basic skills learning at the training center, and 4 – 5 months for practical (performance) training at the company.
Certification: Trainees who successfully complete this training will be awarded:
- Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) Level 1, 2, 3
- Malaysian Skills Diploma (DKM)
- Advanced Malaysian Skills Diploma (DLKM)